In the UK, an employees income is taxed at source which means that their employer deducts tax from their gross salary and pays the tax on their behalf. 在英国,员工的收入已先行扣除了所得税,这意味着雇主从他们的总薪水中扣除了所得税并且也交付了他们需要交的一部分税费。
Net salary is gross salary minus tax and national insurance deduction. 净工资是工资总额减去税收和扣除国民保险。
It will state your gross salary, tax withhold, social security,. Other deductions, and net income. 工资条上会列出你的工资总额,预扣所得税、社会保险,其他扣款及净收入。
Gross pay is the total amount of salary, wages, commissions, or any other employee compensation before taxes and other deductions are taken out. 应付工资总额是扣除税金和其他扣除额之前的薪金、工资、佣金和其他所有雇员酬金的总和。
Gross earnings or gross income or gross salary 毛收益或毛收入或毛薪金
EXAMPLE: Taxes are so high in some European countries that one's disposable income is less than half of one's gross salary. 一些欧洲国家的税收很高,因此人们的可支配收入还不到薪水的一半。
Your monthly gross salary will increase by300 yuan. 你每月的总收入会涨300元。
The gross payroll is calculated with the logarithmic function, both meeting the necessary demand that the distribution curve be smooth, continuous and without "break point", and keeping the existing standards of salary payment. 工资总额计算公式采用对数函数的形式,既可满足分配曲线必须平滑、连续、不出现拐点的要求,又能维持现有工资支付标准基本不变。